The purpose of the LIDER ZAKUPÓW competition is to recognize individuals who have significantly impacted the efficiency of the organizations they represent and contributed to enhancing the company's competitiveness.

This year, we encourage the submission of projects that fall into one of the following categories:

Ecological Innovation

Projects that align with the current EU ecological policy (climate change mitigation, environmental protection, sustainable consumption, sustainable economy, waste minimization, etc.);

Function Development and Optimization

For example, improvement or updating of processes, significant changes in the organization of the procurement function impacting the company's financial results; enhancing the knowledge and skills of the procurement team, resulting in improved work efficiency and team member satisfaction, etc.;

Internal and External Partnership

For example, effective collaboration with another team within the same organization or with a supplier to achieve a common goal.

And if you have completed a project that goes beyond the above categories, feel free to submit it as well!

Submit my project 

Submit a project completed by someone else

The success of companies lies in good strategies and the people who effectively implement them. Procurement plays a critical role in the efficient execution of an organization's strategy. Through the diligent work of procurement professionals, full utilization of internal resources, and the potential of suppliers, companies can compete more effectively in both local and international markets.
Our awardees showcase the results of their implementations at conferences and industry meetings, are invited as experts to discussion panels, and have the opportunity to publish descriptions of their projects in industry and business journals such as Harvard Business Review Poland.

Example projects that can participate in the LIDER ZAKUPÓW Competition:

• A project successfully implementing an innovative or original improvement contributing to the company's competitiveness.
• A project elevating the status and significance of the procurement function within the company and the industry.
• A project that provided effective ways to generate value in areas covered by Public Procurement Law.
• A project presenting effective ways to transfer supplier innovation to store shelves and to the customer.
• A procurement project that contributed to the prestige of Polish procurement on the international stage or attracted procurement jobs to Poland.