Location: Hilton Warsaw City, Grzybowska 63

All lectures will be interpreted simultaneously

Registration and morning coffee | Positive Relationships Session.

Grzegorz Turniak

Professional Networker and Speaker
  • We invite participants to start the conference with positive conversations over coffee. Ensuring a friendly atmosphere and welcoming guests will be professional networker and top voice of Polish LinkedIn - Grzegorz Turniak
Welcome and opening of the conference.

Robert Jarek

Master of Ceremonies, Public Speaking and Media Trainer, Presenter
  • Official opening of the 11th edition of PROCON POLZAK. The conference will be hosted by the Speech Creator - Robert Jarek
11th edition of PROCON POLZAK.

Andrzej Zawistowski

Member of the Board, PSML

Mateusz Borowiecki

Managing Director, OptiBuy - a WNS company
  • Summary of the eleventh edition of PROCON POLZAK
OPENING KEYNOTE SPEECH:  Transforming procurement into a value added center of profit.

Omid Ghamami

CEO & Chairman of the Board Procurement and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) Institute 
  • Procurement organizations suffer from being viewed and funded as a cost center.  From not having a seat at the table.  From being a back office service provider.  In order to be and be perceived as a Value Added Center of Profit, procurement needs to move away from traditional roles of finding savings at-the-table in supplier negotiations and drive strategies to transform the enterprise to purchase Performance Results (instead of goods & services), focus on upstream Design for TCO strategies in the articulation of business unit demand, and drive away-from-the table negotiation strategies that improve economic results with suppliers.    

    > The #1 problem in procurement today is that we are buying goods & services instead of Performance Results, and procurement processes need to change from the beginning to achieve greatness.
    > The biggest cost savings opportunity is not at the table with suppliers, it is in analyzing the architecture of the end user’s SOW/Spec for cost optimization and TCO.  On average, there are 18% cost savings to be found here.
    > Parasitic at-the-the table negotiations have limited returns and uneager negotiation partners in suppliers.  Investigative Negotiations & Value Creation strategies both make the pie bigger and also achieves breakthroughs in negotiation outcomes.   
Coffee break
Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing - ESG
Activating the value chain - challenges and opportunities for sustainable procurement.

João Correia Botelho

Euronews CPO and APCADEC’s President
  • Procurement - From manage the process to manage for value
  • ESG importance and procurement role
  • Challenges and benefits of integrating ESG in procurement
 ESG - opportunity for an alternative positioning approach of the procurement organization within the company.

Wojciech Marchwicki

Chief Procurement Officer, Wholesale Banking European Network Countries of ING NV

Presentation on the evolving role of the procurement function in promoting sustainable development and achieving ESG goals. Practical examples of innovative procurement approaches that support society and the environment. Proposal for repositioning the procurement function within the organization to enhance its perception by generating additional value.

  • Paradigm Shift in the Procurement Function of Modern Organizations in the Context of Changing Environment
  • Adapting Procurement Strategies in the Organization to Meet ESG Requirements
  • The Strategic Role of Procurement in ESG for Shaping Competitive Advantage
  • Repositioning the Procurement Function in the Organization as an Opportunity to Strengthen Its Role
  • Practical Implementation of ESG Initiatives to Contribute to ESG Goals within the Company
How Lenovo minimizes environmental impact: technologies and strategies.

Piotr Kościelny

Midmarket Team Leaders, Lenovo

In a world of constant pursuit for more computing power at a lower cost, sustainability can be the answer not only to current but also future needs. These are the needs of both businesses and end consumers, but most importantly—the environment.

I will discuss the challenges associated with sustainability and the three key elements to consider when choosing a provider.

Lenovo is the largest computer manufacturer in the world, producing a wide range of end devices and servers. A one-stop shop for businesses and corporations, Lenovo has vast experience in being a quality provider while also caring for the future.

Simultaneous sessions
Procurement [Re]Imagined with Gen AI.

Carsten Stauber

Solution Consultant, Ivalua

Discover the latest and greatest innovations in procurement! Transform your Procurement strategy and operations with the power of artificial intelligence to automate time-intensive daily tasks, such as research, analysis, content creation, modification, and summarization.

Let’s make a Great Impact. Together. The synergy of ESG values is the strenghth of sustainable growth.

Jarosław Chwastowicz

Business Services Director, Lyreco Poland

Ewa Samborska

National Accounts Manager, International, Lyreco Poland
  • The presenters will focus on highlighting the synergy derived from combining the potentials of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) values with daily business practices within the framework of a partnership with a company that offers expertise and guidance in this area, while also supporting the Sustainable Procurement movement.
  • The joint efforts not only address customer needs, regulatory requirements, and risk minimization (including embedded risks), but most importantly, maximize the benefits of such collaboration, with stable and long-term growth at the forefront.
  • ESG as the natural evolution of CSR
  • The impact of ESG practices on organizational growth
  • Procurement department challenges from the perspective of CSRD
  • The impact of ESG synergy on the value chain
ESG solutions in collaboration with procurement and their impact on consumers, employees, and ecosystems.

Karolina Tarnawska

Group Procurement Director, Pepco Group

Adam Sarbinowski

Sustainability Manager, Pepco Group

The Role of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Solutions in Collaboration with the Procurement Department and Their Impact on Key Stakeholder Groups: Consumers, Employees, and Ecosystems. The discussion will cover specific strategies and initiatives that companies can implement in procurement to promote sustainable development, ethical labor practices, and social responsibility.

  • Impact on Consumers: How sustainable supply chains and transparency in procurement processes influence consumer perception of the brand, building their loyalty and increasing demand for environmentally friendly products.
  • Impact on Employees: The benefits that ethical procurement practices bring to employees, including improved working conditions in the supply chain and support for diversity and inclusiveness.
  • Impact on Ecosystems: How collaboration with suppliers in implementing ESG solutions contributes to environmental protection, reducing the carbon footprint, and minimizing negative impacts on local ecosystems.

The presentation aims to demonstrate that integrating ESG principles into procurement processes not only supports sustainable development but also brings tangible business and social benefits.

Simultaneous sessions
From accession to innovation: How 20 years in the EU revolutionized the real estate market and procurement strategies.

Mateusz Polkowski

Head of Research and Consulting CEE in real estate advisory company Jones Lang LaSalle

Maciej Traczyk

Director Tenant Representation, Office Agency, Jones Lang LaSalle

Join us on a fascinating journey through two decades of transformation in the Polish commercial real estate market and its impact on the world of corporate procurement. From the austere "Leipzig-type" office buildings to gleaming skyscrapers reaching the clouds, from tinplate hypermarkets to virtual stores on our smartphones, from forgotten warehouses to automated logistics centers – we will experience an evolution together that has not only changed the landscape of our cities but also revolutionized procurement strategies.

We will learn how to negotiate in a world where offices are becoming flexible, commerce is moving online, and warehouses are smarter than we ever imagined. Prepare for a solid dose of knowledge, interspersed with procurement front-line anecdotes and a bit of crystal-ball gazing about what the future holds. We promise that after this presentation, you will look at your procurement strategies from a completely new perspective – preferably from the 30th floor of the tallest office building in the EU!

  • The Evolution of Office Spaces and Its Impact on Procurement Strategies The impact of workplace transformation on office space decisions Adapting procurement strategies to trends in the office sector
  • The Transformation of Retail and New Challenges for Procurement Departments The transition from traditional shopping centers to e-commerce The impact of new retail formats on supply chains Procurement strategies in the face of the growing role of retail parks and dark stores
  • The Development of the Warehouse Sector and Its Importance for Procurement Process Optimization The impact of open borders and modern infrastructure on logistics strategies Adapting procurement practices to the potential of regional warehouse hubs Challenges related to automation and modernization of warehouse spaces
  • Changes in Capital Sources and Their Impact on the Capital Market in Poland Adapting procurement strategies to trends in the residential market Forecasting future market changes and their potential impact on procurement practices

Be part of this insightful event and discover how 20 years in the EU have transformed the Polish real estate market and procurement strategies. See you at the conference!

Agile Supplier Relationship Management
Procurement undergoing dimensional change - perspectives  & challenges in the global supply chain.

Olaf Holzgrefe

Head of International & Affairs at Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME)
  • The presentation refers to the current situation in purchasing. It includes the latest findings of the German association. It also deals with the changes in purchasing and the supply chain in the coming years.
    > Short overview BME 
    > Current economic situation – Globalisation in transition
    > Purchasing and SCM – the composers of change
    > Dimensional change in Procurement – from a triangle to multidimensional
The Evolution of Procurement Functions on the Example of Non-Production Purchases at Polpharma.

Elżbieta Rivest

Head of Strategic Non-Production Procurement Department, Polpharma SA Pharmaceutical Works

During the presentation, I will take the participants through the history of procurement (Procurement 1.0) and the challenges associated with it. I will discuss how the function has evolved and transformed (Procurement 2.0), where we are today (Procurement 3.0), and where we are heading.
My presentation will focus on the most interesting changes and challenges we have encountered along the way, as well as on the facts about what these changes have brought us.

I will cover:

  • How to create procurement functions (challenges and benefits for the organization, KPIs that change as the procurement function evolves).
  • How to transform procurement functions and why (challenges and how to manage them).
  • How to build relationships, i.e., Business Partnering in procurement.
  • Where we are today and what we are focusing on, including innovations in procurement, the agility of procurement functions, challenging the organization and our Business Partners, and risk management – in other words, our procurement organization of the present, which for some organizations might represent the future.


  • Why we have changed and continue to change, and what benefits these changes have brought us.
Coffee break
Agile procurement: Does Iit make sense?

Adam Polkowski

Board Member, PSML

Artur Mochocki

Project and Change Manager, Inprogress
  • Agility has firmly established itself in many areas of business and continues to achieve success. Procurement has already learned to purchase agility, but can it buy agilely?
  • Artur Mochocki, Project and Change Manager, Agile Trainer, and Adam Polkowski, a procurement practitioner with over two decades of experience, will lead a debate and discussion on whether agility in procurement can bring value to an organization. They will explore what should determine the adoption of agile methodologies in procurement, what questions need to be answered, and what essential conditions must be met to consider agile procurement. Will agility prove effective in supplier collaboration during procurement processes?
    > Procurement Team - Executor or Co-creator?
    > Success Criteria of the Procurement Process
    > Organizational Culture in the Procurement Process
    > Procurement Team Organized around Values
    > Agility in Supplier Collaboration
The grass Is greener on the other side: risks in the global business village and procurement communication with corporate partners.

Łukasz Jędraszkiewicz

Co-creator of the podcast #OkiemKupca

Jacek Jarmuszczak

Co-creator of the podcast #OkiemKupca

The number of variables, the amount of data, and the pace of market events that buyers must navigate today have never been so dynamic and unpredictable. New responsibilities are constantly emerging, and the number of necessary analyses is increasing. At the same time, an effective buyer is one who can communicate well throughout the supply chain but also one who can manage risk... and take it. We will discuss how to meet all these demands and how to cope with the increasingly challenging professional role.

- managing Stakeholder Relationships in the Context of Geopolitical Risks (Procurement Know-How)
- procurement Challenges Regarding ESG and CO2 – How to Calculate TCO for CO2 Emissions
- a Buyer Who Doesn't Take Risks Is Ineffective. However, Risk Must Be Measured... But How?

SPECIAL GUEST: Full POWER in times of change.

Jacek Walkiewicz


This is a lecture based on personal experiences, focused on effectiveness in situations of rapid change across all areas of human activity.

  1. Full Power of Change – Why it's worth venturing into "uncharted waters" despite risks and dangers.
  2. Full Power of Courage – How to take more risks rather than play it safe.
  3. Full Power of the Team – Why team spirit is important and what builds it.
  4. Full Power of Dreams – Why bold visions are essential in challenging times.
Evening Networking, STIXX Warsaw

Registration and morning coffee
Welcome and opening of the second day of the conference
AI in Procurement - Benefits and Risks

What have we learned from two years of generative ai implementations in companies?

Dr Maciej Madziński

COO w Laurens Coster (Data & AI)
  • Generative AI Overview: A brief reminder of what Generative AI is, how it started being used in business, and its main mechanisms of action.
  • Development of Generative AI Worldwide - Current State: An overview of the most important global use cases of Generative AI — both successes and failures.
  • Opportunities and Limitations: What have we already achieved with Generative AI and what is on the horizon in the coming years? A discussion on the technical and ethical limitations we need to address.
  • Summary and Q&A
KEYNOTE SPEECH: Using generative AI for preliminary market consultations: is "good" good enough?

Jan Vašek

Assistant Professor, University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague)
  • AI should help in preliminary market consultations. We, therefore, tested the previous and current versions of ChatGPT for quality of outputs (market knowledge, strategy recommendation, risk assessment) and improvement over time. We found that AI is good but not good enough. Hence, it may be a suitable companion for non-critical sourcing where the buyer "does not have a clue" but should be avoided for essential sourcings or sourcings where the buyer already has good subject-matter knowledge. 
  • Preliminary market consultations rationale,
  • Comparison of AI outputs to expert,
  • When use AI and when avoid it in market consultations?
  • AI as a management fad or classic: the signals.
Coffee break
Human Side of Procurement - New Competences in AI World
Shaping a career in procurement in the era of artificial intelligence.

Agnieszka Piątkowska

Partner, Big Fish
  • Career Development in a Changing Environment: How employees can plan their procurement career path considering the impact of AI technologies on the industry.
  • Evolution of the Procurement Function in the Age of Automation: How new technologies are reshaping traditional procurement processes and the role of humans in this changing landscape.
  • Key Competencies for Procurement Professionals in the AI Era: Discussion on the soft and technical skills that will be most valuable with the increasing application of artificial intelligence.
  • Change Management and Adapting to New Technologies: How to prepare procurement teams for effective use of AI tools, including managing concerns related to automation.
  • The Future of the Procurement Function - Will robots take our jobs?

Simultaneous sessions
How to skillfully navigate the ocean of common data - effective strategies to support a buyer's daily challenges.

Tomasz Rutecki

Director of the Carthena Implementation Division, DahliaMatic

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of available data? Do you want to know how to effectively use information to support your daily challenges as a buyer? Join our workshop and discover practical methods that will help you succeed in the dynamic world of procurement. We will focus on three key areas:

  • Effective Sourcing of New Suppliers: Learn how to fully utilize commonly available data to find and select the best business partners. You will get to know specific tools and techniques that enable efficient analysis and selection of potential contractors.
  • Safe Collaboration in a World of Sanctions: Find out how to navigate the complex world of sanctions and avoid legal and reputational risks. Our practical tips will help you ensure that your business relationships comply with current regulations.
  • Trusting Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool, but what risks does processing sensitive data entail? Understand how to safely use commercial AI models while minimizing risks for your organization.

Our workshops offer not only theoretical knowledge but also practical examples and exercises that will allow you to immediately apply the skills you acquire. Prepare for an interactive session full of inspiring discussions and valuable insights!

New technologies vs. traditional buyers: adaptation or extinction?

Adam Bernacki

Academic Lecturer and Business Trainer, Experienced Manager of Purchasing and Sales
  • In the modern world of shopping, key competencies such as critical thinking, change management, working in interdisciplinary teams, and emotional intelligence are essential for better understanding problems and implementing innovations.
  • Traditional buyers must utilize creativity and innovation to adapt to the changing market, giving them an edge over AI in creating standout strategies and products.
  • Trust, the foundation of successful business relationships, cannot be automated; building relationships based on empathy and mutual respect ensures better negotiations and customer loyalty.
  • AI should support buyers in daily tasks by taking over routine activities, allowing them to focus on strategic aspects, thereby increasing efficiency and precision.
People. Processes. Tools. Transformation of the procurement department - expectations vs. reality.

Marlena Kryściak-Sitkowska

Director Transformation, OptiBuy – a WNS Company

Agnieszka Iwaniuk

Senior Group Manager, OptiBuy – a WNS Company

Tomasz Piaseczny

Group Manager, OptiBuy – a WNS Company

The presentation addresses three aspects of the transformation of the procurement organization. Citing real-life examples and drawing on project experiences, the speakers will focus on three areas as essential elements of change:

  1. People – the key element of transformation – the growing demand for Change Management experts is no coincidence!
  2. Processes – the heart of transformation – do we all have the same expectations and similarly understand the increase in procurement process efficiency?
  3. Tools – technology in the service of procurement – do they really serve us well, and if so, when?

During the presentation, the speakers will discuss the importance of competent and proactive employees, the need for a mindset change, and the challenges associated with change management. They will present expectations regarding the improvement of procurement processes, as well as the challenges related to outdated processes, difficulties in standardization, and the resistance observed during project implementation. The discussion will also cover modern tools, automation, and the role of AI in streamlining procurement processes.

Mentoring in procurement - mentoring as an accelerator of personal and professional development for employees.

Beata Szczytowska

Former Director of Purchasing Department Eurocash, Board Member PSML

Renata Krakowiak

Director of Purchasing Department, Siemens

Małgorzata Załęska

Director of Purchasing Department, Allianz Poland
  • In the face of rapid and global changes in business, organizations must smoothly adapt their decision-making and operational strategies. The value of continuous learning and improvement becomes crucial, expecting employees to be flexible, adaptable, and continuously developing.
  • So how can these demands be met when continuous learning is not yet a habit? The answer lies in coach-mentoring - an approach that combines the best aspects of coaching and mentoring, enabling employees to achieve their career goals, develop skills, and acquire knowledge.
  • Coach-mentoring supports and accelerates the development of employees at every stage of their career, regardless of tenure, diversity of experiences, or level of responsibility. Through coach-mentoring, organizations foster a culture of continuous improvement that builds the success of the entire enterprise.
  • Transformative self-leadership
  • Competency and transformative coach-mentoring
  • Mentoring in Procurement - a mentoring program for the procurement community

Simultaneous sessions
Buyer: innovator or executor?

Diana Najtkowska-Sapryk

Procurement Trainer and Coach, ProcureMe

Workshops to support building self-awareness of the role in procurement within the company.

  • Introduction to the topic of the role of procurement in the company, perception of the function from a business perspectiveand by the buyers themselves (reference to several statistics from the PSML, Antal and Sodexo report).
  • Collaborative work on identifying the talents of a buyer.
  • Establishing possible actions to strenghen the strategic importance of buyers.

The future path of procurement in Poland: criteria for success.

Mariusz Gerałtowski

President of the Board PSML, Board Member IFPSM

Katarzyna Warchał

Managing Director at IKEA Purchasing and Logistic Area Central Europe

Dominik Kalinowski

Head of Outsourcing, Antal

Monika Droździak

Supply Chain & Logistic Director, Sodexo Polska
  • In a panel group of practitioners and companies operating within the procurement environment, we will discuss the role of procurement in organizations. We'll examine its current role and future scenarios shaped by technological acceleration and rising labor costs in Poland.
  • What competencies will be crucial to generate value for organizations? How should teams be developed and where can talents be sourced from? These questions, among others, will be addressed by our panelists and conference participants.
Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence in procurement practice: What every CPO needs to know.

Piotr Kaniewski

Counsel, Osborne Clarke Olkiewicz Świerzewski i Wspólnicy S.K.A.
Key elements of the speech:
  • Regulatory Tsunami: The European Union is introducing an unprecedented number of IT regulations. Is your company ready for this?
  • Cybersecurity: Learn how key regulatory changes may impact the security of your organization.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Discover the challenges and opportunities brought by new AI regulations.
  • Role of Procurement Departments: Your procurement teams are on the front lines in the battle for compliance. Learn about the tools that will enhance their efficiency and security while minimizing additional work.
Simultaneous sessions
Carbon footprint in advertising production – How ESG affects costs and the future of the industry?

Arleta Robinson

Female President Lucky Luciano Pictures and Stowarzyszenia Producentów Reklamowych

Tomek Dławichowski

Managing Partner w Timecode Film Production oraz Vice President Stowarzyszenia Producentów Reklamowych

From the presentation, you will learn about:

  • What ESG is and why it affects advertising production costs.
  • What the carbon footprint in commercial film production is and how much it really costs to calculate CO2 emissions.
  • What a report looks like after sustainable production.
  • What tools film producers use to calculate the carbon footprint.
  • What information needs to be gathered during the production of an advertisement to report the carbon footprint.
  • What actions towards sustainable production of a commercial film increase costs and which can be implemented without additional costs.
  • When changes in regulations will require Polish companies to report the carbon footprint in the production of commercial films.


Lider Zakupów - presentation | Award Winner
Lider Zakupów - presentation | I recognition
Lider Zakupów - presentation | II recognition
Coffe break
How AI is already changing the costs of advertising production - the level of control determines the proce level.

Marcin Łunkiewicz

Founder and Producer, mimo.ooo

The speech will focus on how artificial intelligence (AI) affects the costs of advertising production, emphasizing that the level of control over the creative process has a direct impact on the price of the campaign. Examples will be presented to show how the choice between full creative control and the use of AI to generate content changes the costs, implementation time and quality of advertising campaigns. We will also discuss what opportunities AI offers today and what implications they may have for future strategies in the advertising industry.

Case Study: "Comfort Satisfaction" - Full creative control using AI:

  • An example of a campaign in which full control was maintained over every creative element, which influenced the level of production costs.
  • Discuss how managing 3D details and scenography can impact budget and implementation time.
  • Analysis of the benefits of maintaining a high level of control over the process while using AI.
  • An example of a campaign in which full control was maintained over every creative element, which influenced the level of production costs.
  • Discuss how managing 3D details and scenography can impact budget and implementation time.
  • Analysis of the benefits of maintaining a high level of control over the process while using AI.  

Case Study: "Max - Seduction Trainer" - Content generation by AI:

  • An example of a campaign that used AI to generate content, which allowed for significant cost reductions.
  • Changes in production time and ecological benefits as additional advantages.
  • Discussion on the trade-offs between limited control and savings, and the capabilities of AI in maintaining content quality.  

Cost Comparison: Creative Control vs. Content generation by AI:

  • Analysis of cost differences between full control over production and content generation by AI.
  • Assess how the level of control affects budget, creativity and campaign effectiveness.
  • Understand what trade-offs are necessary to achieve savings using AI.

The future of advertising production: The impact of AI on cost strategies:

  • Discussion on current trends in the use of AI to optimize advertising production costs.
  • Considering future opportunities that may arise from further integration of AI into the manufacturing process.
  • Future scenarios: How to balance AI content generation with the need to maintain creative control.
SPECIAL GUEST: Harnessing the power of emotions in business decision-making.

Prof. UAM dr hab. Maciej Błaszak


Perception of business problems involves prediction from a mental model. Emotions contribute to this model by informing the mind about the body's state, adaptability of actions, potential threats, and possible benefits. Emotions guide decision-making before conscious awareness and linguistic analysis of the situation kick in. Their significance increases in conditions of high uncertainty, where individuals lack sufficient data yet must make decisions.

> Emotions in the role of decision audit
> Emotions as an early response system
> Construction of emotions from biological and cultural components
> Building an emotional culture within organizations
